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(*invited; † peer-reviewed)


Offensive Advice (with Romy Eskens)

  1. The Dutch Research School of Philosophy Annual Conference, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2024.†

  2. Philosophy & Public Affairs Colloquium (University of Amsterdam, 2024)*

  3. Moral, Legal, and Political Research Seminar (King’s College London, 2024).


Risks, Rights and Proportionality

  1. Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy (Stockholm University, 2022)*


The Grounds and Limits of The Necessity Condition

  1. PhD Seminar in Practical Philosophy (Stockholm University, 2022)


Dangerous Parties and Undirected Duties

  1. Philosophy, Ethics, and Killing Workshop (Peak District, UK, 2022)*


What Do We Owe To Aggressors?

  1. Politics, Law and Philosophy Graduate Forum, commentators: Cecile Fabre and Penny Oderberg (Online, 2022)*


A Duty To Accommodate Wrongdoers?

  1. CEPPA Graduate Conference, commentator: Theron Pummer (University of St. Andrews, 2022)


Defensive Entrapment and Manipulation

  1. London Graduate Workshop on Moral and Political Philosophy (Senate House, London, 2022)

  2. Zagreb Applied Ethics Conference (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb, 2021)


Law Enforcement and Proportionality

  1. Brave New World Graduate Conference (University of Manchester, 2021)


Punishment and The Problem of False Confessions

  1. Advanced Research Seminar (King’s College London, 2021)


Entrapment, Manipulation and Morally Tainted Punishment

  1. Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, commentator: Connor Kianpour (University of Colorado, Boulder, 2021)

  2. Oxford Graduate Conference in Political Theory (University of Oxford, 2020)


Provocation and Self-Defence

  1. Graduate Reading Retreat, commentator: Kimberly Kessler Ferzan (Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace, 2021)

  2. Reading Ethics and Political Philosophy Conference (University of Reading, 2019)

  3. Advanced Research Seminar (King’s College London, 2019)

  4. Stockholm Philosophy Graduate Conference, commentator: Lisa Hecht (Stockholm University, 2019)

  5. London-Berkeley Philosophy Graduate Conference, commentator: Emily Podhorcer (U.C. Berkeley, 2019)


Benefitting from Harm 

  1. Advanced Research Seminar (King’s College London, 2020).


Liability to Defensive Harm and The Standing Constraint

  1. Warwick Graduate Conference in Political and Legal Theory (University of Warwick, 2018)


Should We Completely Ban Political Bots?

  1. Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics (Oxford University, 2017)

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